Friday, February 4, 2011

Pattern Sale - February 2011

I seem to be running a little late on this one - Starting today Butterick and Vogue Patterns are on sale for the weekend.

Friday thru Sunday
February 4- 6, 2011

Vogue Patterns - $3.99 each
MSRP $11.95 to $30.00 each
Limit 10
No special orders
Butterick Patterns - $1.99 each
MSRP $10.95 to $19.95 each
Excludes See & Sew
Limit 10
No Special Orders


  1. "you STINKPOT! I can't believe what you did!"

    I shouted that very thing to the mailbox when I saw a package from you, without even opening it.

    You shouldn't have done that and I certainly hope I didn't somehow imply that I wanted you to (?) but I am so thankful for it and the time you spent on making ANOTHER when you have precious little to spare these days. THANK you.

  2. My question is, "Does it fit this time?" I never for a second thought that you were implying for me to make another hat, but I really loved the hat and could not bear the thought of the outfit be incomplete.

  3. Thanks for stopping by! Shadow is doing great. I took the cone off and he was so happy to be rid of it. He's been very good about not licking his stitches, but we'll keep a close watch on him, of course. I don't want him to spend another week at the vet's!
    Thanks again for posting the pattern sale. I won't make it to Joanne's this weekend but I always appreciate your efforts!
