Disarray (noun) - a lack of order or sequence; confusion, disorder
I can’t quite believe that I am posting this picture. I’ve been appalled as I have looked at this table over the past several days. Too many projects going at once is my problem here. Are these projects that I don’t want, projects that have been forced upon me? NO! They are my personal challenges! They are ALL things I WANT to do, things I want to see if I am capable of doing.
What are these projects?
1. Well, there are very few patterns for the AG Doll, Kit, available. I have made many patterns for doll outfits that I have pictured in my mind or seen in a book. But no one, but me, has used those patterns. Long in the back of my mind, designing doll patterns to sell has been brewing. So a pattern for a Kit era dress is a perfect starting place because the clothing of the Depression Era was very simple. The pattern pieces are easy enough to design, simple measurements and math can do the trick there. Make the pattern up in fabric, adjust pattern. Make the pattern in fabric again until I am satisfied with the result.
What’s difficult? Making illustrations that truly are illustrative of the step that I am trying to explain. Putting directions into words and sentences that are clearly understandable. Fortunately, I picked a simple pattern to start with.
2. My next project is an entry for the Fair. I have greatly modified a pattern for a Civil War ensemble for an 18 inch doll. I have been tatting the lace edging for the blouse. I have completed the jacket, trimmed with soutache braid. I’m still working on the skirt and snood. I need to still start the hoopskirt. I am really excited about this ensemble, and I can hardly wait to see it completed.
3. Project Number 3, freezing bushels of green peppers for the winter.
4. Oh yes, did Imention we are nine days into our homeschool year.
Funny when you write it all down, it doesn’t seem like much at all. So then why are the normally tidy common areas of my house in such absolute disarray?
Y Blessings,
You think thats bad, you should see my house right now! And what am I doing instead? Dinking around on the computer, with a sleeping baby in my lap. I will now force myself to get off and go clean up garage sale stuff.....
I have to say, "I love that picture!"
You are busy. You are creating. Keep it up. :)
I had to come over and check out the projects you were working on over Labor Day weekend.
I've decided that there's no way to sew/quilt/stitch/craft, without making a mess (absolute disarray). So, I guess the best thing to do is sew/quilt/stitch/craft with wild abandon!
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