Bringing Katya Home Blog

Friday, October 30, 2009

Octobter's Bright Blue Weather?

From my youngest days, I have always loved autumn and one of my most favorite months is October. I think this is because of a poem my mother always recited this time of year about October's bright blue weather.

BUT, if you look at these pics I think you might have to say "October's dismal white weather". No blue skies in sight.

In the fall, this tree in our yard is my very favorite. It is always the first to put on its new autumn ball gown, and it is usually the last to shed it. The range of color is extraordinary; the leaves' palette ranges from a deep maroon to brilliant crimson to gold and palest maize.

Although the month is nearly over, and we haven’t seen a lot of October’s bright blue weather, it’s hard to fret too much. With so much color abounding, even rainy days don’t seem quite so bad.

Y Blessings,


1 comment:

Rebecca said...

oh the colors in that tree are SUPERB! just gorgeous.

Wish you were participating in the Foto Fridays; this week's theme is leaves and we are in short supply of them around here. They have all turned drab and brittle. :-(

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