Bringing Katya Home Blog

Saturday, June 6, 2009

The Balm of Friendship

As I look back over this past week, I realize we (my family), have many gifts for which to be thankful. Our graduate has been blessed with a good job for the summer, our school year has come to a successful end (despite the many unforseen circumstances that threatened it), I have had the time this week to work on the many household tasks that have been left undone during the school year, and there's been time to rest and recuperate. But more than anything else I am grateful for good family and friendships that support our family and encourage us.

The beginning of the week brought us together for a great day with a family that is just such a support and encouragement to us. A family that we treasure and who we always walk away uplifted after our time together.

Of course, our time together always includes food!

The kids played volleyballl a great part of the day. With their ll kids and our 3, there was no shortage of players. G**** and EVEN I played and I haven't played in several years. I felt GREAT while I was playing. (Competition is good for stirring the blood and forgetting your age). At the end of 4 games, though, I thought it best I quit while I was still uninjured and in the hope that tomorrow I would not be so sore that I would be unable to move. SURPISINGLY, I was fine the next day.

G**** and I decided that maybe a stroll would provide a nice calm activity.

1 comment:

Charree said...

What a beautiful day to enjoy family and friends.

Have a blessed day!

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