Yet another phone call came this morning right before we were about to begin morning worship. This is beginning to become a habit. But this phone call was welcome indeed. Bill was to be discharged. I don't think the psalms have every been sung so heartily or with bigger smiles than by our children this morning. It was a joy!
The Lord in your distress attend;
Let Jacob's God exalt you still;
Help from the holy temple send
And strengthen you from Zion's hill.
May He your sacrifice regard,
And all your offr'ings bear in mind;
May He your heart's desire reward,
Fullfilling all you have designed.
In your salvation we'll rejoice,
In our God's name our banners raise.
O may Jehovah hear your voice,
Grant all you ask through all your days.
I know now that the Lord defends,
And saves His own anointed king.
From holy heav'n He answer sends;
His right hand saving power will bring.
In chariots some boast confidence,
And on their horses some rely;
But we boast only one defense,
The name of God, the LORD Most High.
While we are raised and upright stand,
Our foes are made to bow and fall.
O save the king, LORD, by Your hand,
And answer us the day we call.
Psalm 20

Bill is now all settled in. Although we have a long road to recovery, we are all together again under one roof; and we are resting in our Most Gracious God, trusting Him to use this trial to conform us to the image of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.